BGlobal Capital

Accelerating Sustainability Innovation on a Global Scale.
We invest in and partner with extraordinary startups in Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, helping deploy their solutions into large operations across the world - creating global impact.

BGlobal Capital

Working with the most promising startups in AgTech and Food to execute their vision

Experienced Team

We are a venture capital firm founded to invest profitably while driving sustainable positive change. We strive for extraordinary results by leveraging market forces to accelerate large scale impact. Our team includes seasoned AgriFood and Sustainability experts, investors, operators and innovators with a proven track record.


Agriculture and Food production need to be reinvented through innovation in order to meet the future global demand. At current population growth rates, we will need to produce 50% more food by 2050, in a context where further expansion of agricultural land is impossible or unsustainable. We invest in tangible solutions to this issue.

Global Impact

Our expertise enables us to see opportunities where founders and executives teams don't. We know first-hand the importance of the emerging markets to the global Agriculture and Food industry, and we enable the startups we work with to access major players in developing countries and significantly expand their operations and impact.

True Partners

Providing capital is just the first step in partnering with our portfolio companies. We put our entire AgriFood operational expertise, strategic know-how and worldwide resources network to the service of our startups - accelerating their growth, broadening their impact and enabling exit oppportunities. Their success is our success.

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